On Wednesday, March 14, it was Pi day!! Pi is a mathematical formula used to calculate a circle. They have never found the end of it. Here's how much I've memorized: 3.1415926535897932384626 (and I swear I didn't look that up, I actually memorized it). Actually, that's not very much, considering that the person who memorized the most digits of Pi ever memorized over 67,800 digits (I know!). Wednesday was Pi day because it was 3-14 (March 14), and the first three digits of Pi are 3.14. Cool, right? You should always eat pie on Pi day. What's your favorite kind of pie?     On a totally different subject, a few weeks ago I saw the movie The Lorax! For those of you who don't know, that's a new movie based on the book, The Lorax, by Doctor Seuss. It was a super good movie, and I definitely recommend it, but it was so sad! I mean, at the town it takes place in, everything is made out of plastic and there are no real trees! It's especially sad because that's what's happening to our Earth right now, but it's not just in one town. It's the whole world! We have to start cleaning up the planet, or else we're going to end up just like the people in that town. GO GREEN!!!
   -"Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to change. It's not." - Doctor Seuss, The Lorax


    All blogs are written by Lily, creator of this awesome website, unless she says otherwise. She likes pancakes. (She just thought she'd toss that in there.) (She also likes talking in the third person.)


    March 2012
    February 2012

