Happy Valentine's Day!
   Hi everybody! I know I put a new post only a few days ago, but this one is especially for a special holiday! I know I talked about a little in my last post, but this one is ESPECIALLY for that special holiday. For those of you who havn't already, figured it out, I'll give you a hint: love, hearts, love, romance, love, chocolate and flowers, 
love . . . I'm talking about Valentines Day!  I personally love valentines, the giving and receiving, and it's especially fun when you get one from "a secret admirer" (also, you can mock a fried if she does xD). How did we get blind poet guy to flowers and candy? Whatever, I'm not complaining. 
   I firmly believe in wearing pink and red on Valentines day. It's like St. Patricks Day, except not green, and instead of getting pinched . . . you get a kiss! I have a feeling it's not going to catch on. In conclusion, I love the holiday (I mean, what better celebration could there be compared to a celebration of love?), and I hope your Valentines Day is amazing!
   -"I resolve to loose ten pounds, and then gain it back by Valentines Day." - Homer 
   Hi everyone! Don't worry, not all my posts will be entitled "second blog" "third blog" and so forth, I just don't have a better title right now. Today is Saturday, and I'm sick. Joy. It's that time of year when everyone's sick, I guess! And that time of year really sucks. 
   The good thing is that it's almost Valentines Day! Valentines Day is such a magical day, where couples can be as romantic as they want, and single people have to watch everyone else be happy and in love while they're alone in life. The thing I like most about Valentines Day is the little candy hearts. My favorite kind is the ones that say "I love you" on them. Just simple, but sweet. Literally! What's your favorite kind of candy heart?
   -"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" 
- Alice in Wonderland 
   Hi people! This is my first blog! I decided to make one, although to be completely honest I have no idea what you do on a blog. But it seemed like a cool idea when I added this page, so here I am. I will probably not blog that often, and my blogs might not be that interesting, so if you think I should just give up and delete this stupid thing already, please leave a comment. If you think that my blogs are awesome, please leave a comment. If you have no opinion whatsoever, please leave a comment. If you live in China and have no idea what I'm saying right now,   发表评论! And no, that is not something mean or offensive. It simply means: Leave a comment! (hopefully. Google translate is not all that reliable), if you didn't already guess that. My point is, hope you enjoy the blog. I will be ending each blog with one of my favorite quotes (and yes, some of them will be about love). 
     -"You have enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something in your life." - Marshall Mathers / Winston Churchill 


    All blogs are written by Lily, creator of this awesome website, unless she says otherwise. She likes pancakes. (She just thought she'd toss that in there.) (She also likes talking in the third person.)


    March 2012
    February 2012

